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With a little planning and a big heart you can provide a home-away-from-home for the children and families of the Ronald McDonald House Charities of San Antonio today and for years to come! Join the Legacy of Love Society and secure the future of RMH by including us in your estate plans today.
Many of our supporters choose to create planned gifts to provide sustained support to the Ronald McDonald House Charities San Antonio. Planned giving is a great opportunity to secure your legacy and support the children and families of RMH— and it often comes with great personal and financial benefits!
The easiest way to create a planned gift is by including a bequest to RMHC in your estate plan. It costs nothing to give today, but will support children and families in need for generations. By pledging a bequest commitment today you will ensure the future of RMHC and provide years of hope, love and healing for thousands of children and families.
We have partnered with FreeWill, to provide a free, online tool to help you easily create a will. You can write your legal will in less than 20 minutes – while supporting your loved ones and causes you care about. While we hope you identify the Ronald McDonald House Charities of San Antonio in your plans, it is not a requirement.
FreeWill can be used with an attorney, and can help you include the necessary language to create your planned gift.
Watch this video below for more information:
Have more questions about planned giving or FreeWill? Contact Stacy Weiss at info@rmhcsanantonio.org or 210-580-9000.
Items can be dropped off at:
4847 Charles Katz, San Antonio, TX 78229