Support for Parents with a Special Needs Child

When Bardo Perez Jr. was born fourteen years ago it was a dream come true! His parents were so excited and quickly planned of all the things they would do together.

By Bardo Jr.’s first birthday, the Perez’s learned their son was developmentally delayed. This news was overwhelming and scary as they came to realize the obstacles their son would face. At two years old, Bardo Jr. was diagnosed with Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI), low vision, and seizures. CVI is one of the most common causes of visual impairment for children in the United States.  These diagnoses began their journey of working with a team of doctors, education specialists and therapists to ensure Bardo Jr. had everything needed for the best quality of life.

At one point, Bardo Jr. was admitted to the Children’s Hospital of San Antonio (CHOSA) to provide the best treatment possible. Luckily, the Perez family was able to stay the Ronald McDonald House located on the 4th floor of CHOSA. The proximity of the Ronald McDonald House ensured they were with Bardo Jr. every step of the way.

What the Ronald McDonald House Charities® of San Antonio Does for Families

The Perez family shares, “While staying at RMH, we felt welcomed and surrounded by caring individuals who were always there to listen. We were able to give our son the full attention that he needed while being supported by RMH. Ronald McDonald House in San Antonio CHOSA provided a sanctuary for us when our son was at his most vulnerable and gave us a sense of normalcy for that one moment where one of us can step away, just have a break, and feel right at home. Through good times and bad times no matter what time of the day it was, having someone to help you through it all, helps you tremendously. We cried a lot at the RM House, but many of our tears were from the acts of kindness of the staff and volunteers.”

Ronald McDonald House Charities® of San Antonio has been serving our community since 1986. RMHC® of San Antonio provides safe and secure lodging, meals, and transportation for children and families traveling to our community for medical services. Families never have to pay to stay at our House, thanks to the support of our community, and can stay as long as their child is receiving treatment.  The longest a family has ever stayed at our house is 2.5 years and the average is 24 days.

How You Can Get Involved and Make a Difference

20% of our support comes from local McDonald’s restaurants while the other 80% is donated from individuals and corporations within our community.

We consider donors who give each month our Home Heroes as their donations provide a steady source of income to cover operating costs for our mortgage and utilities.

Donate today and provide families with the support and resources they need—no matter the challenges their child face.  Help us provide a sanctuary for more families like the Perez’s.

Every donation, large or small, makes a difference in the lives of our families:

  • $10 transports families to the hospital
  • $25 feeds a family of four one meal
  • $100 covers the cost for a family to stay one night.

Make your donation a reoccurring monthly gift and become a Home Hero. Your gift ensures a child never goes through treatment alone.

When you give to RMHC® of San Antonio you are providing comfort, care, and kindness when it is needed most.


Available Resources for Special Needs Children and their Families

  1. Find a support group with other parents in similar situations
    • Mommies of Miracles, Different Dream, Parent to Parent, The Arc, Caregiver Action Network (CAN) are great organizations and resources for parents.


  1. Find what resources and networks are available to you within your local community.
    • Check out the Center for Parent Information and Resources (CPIR) it is a central resource for information.
    • You can also talk with your pediatrician, child’s school, or local children’s hospital to inquire about additional resources and information


  1. Read books together as a family to help redefine and reimagine a new sense of normalcy.
    • Some books include: Out of the Bubble by Shelby McGrath Meyers, Strengthening Family Resilience by Froma Walsh, and Complex Child E-Magazine available online.


  1. If you are part of a military family, contact Exceptional Family Member Program to inquire about the support available to you.